Given a set of unit-discs in the plane with union area A, what fraction of A can be covered by selecting a pairwise disjoint subset of the discs? Rado conjectured
Peter Brass, Ferran Hurtado, Benjamin J. Lafrenier...
Abstract. We study some minimum-area hull problems that generalize the notion of convex hull to starshaped and monotone hulls. Specifically, we consider the minimum-area star-shap...
Esther M. Arkin, Yi-Jen Chiang, Martin Held, Josep...
We present new results on the problem of finding an enclosing rectangle of minimum area that will contain a given a set of rectangles. Many simple scheduling tasks can be modelled...
—Image denoising has been a well studied problem in the field of image processing. Yet researchers continue to focus attention on it to better the current state-of-the-art. Rece...