The disparity between microprocessor clock frequencies and memory latency is a primary reason why many demanding applications run well below peak achievable performance. Software c...
Joseph Gebis, Leonid Oliker, John Shalf, Samuel Wi...
Abstract. Debugging virtual machines (VMs) presents unique challenges, especially meta-circular VMs, which are written in the same language they implement. Making sense of runtime ...
Chip Multiprocessor (CMP) memory systems suffer from the effects of destructive thread interference. This interference reduces performance predictability because it depends heavil...
Data conflation is a major issue in GIS: spatial data obtained from different sources, using different acquisition techniques, needs to be combined into one single consistent d...
Bug localization has attracted a lot of attention recently. Most existing methods focus on pinpointing a single statement or function call which is very likely to contain bugs. Al...
Hong Cheng, David Lo, Yang Zhou, Xiaoyin Wang, Xif...