Church's Thesis asserts that the only numeric functions that can be calculated by effective means are the recursive ones, which are the same, extensionally, as the Turingle nu...
The Church-Turing Thesis has been the subject of many variations and interpretations over the years. Specifically, there are versions that refer only to functions over the natural ...
``Church's thesis'' is at the foundation of computer science. We point out that with any particular set of physical laws, Church's thesis need not merely be po...
Kripke (1982, Wittgenstein on rules and private language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press) presents a rule-following paradox in terms of what we meant by our past use of "plus",...
t) Yuri Gurevich Microsoft Research The talk reflects recent joint work with Nachum Dershowitz [4]. In 1936, Church suggested that the recursive functions, which had been defined...