Creation of an Outpatient Procedure Center (OPC) is a complicated endeavor, requiring a detailed understanding of the resources available and the procedures to be performed. Misca...
Todd R. Huschka, Brian T. Denton, Bradly J. Narr, ...
— This paper reviews proposed realization concepts and achievements of wireless sensor nodes and focuses on new developments in the 24 GHz frequency range. The relatively high fr...
The progress towards programming methodologies that simplify the work of the programmer involves automating, whenever possible, activities that are secondary to the main task of d...
This report discusses some design and implementation issues in the HPJava language. Through example codes, we will illustrate how various language features have been designed to f...
This paper presents a new protocol for certified email. The protocol aims to combine security, scalability, easy implementation, and viable deployment. The protocol relies on a li...