This paper reports on one of the first efforts to apply Value-Sensitive Design (VSD) to a large-scale real-world software system. We sought to improve informed consent in Web-base...
The concept of unreliable failure detector was introduced by Chandra and Toueg [2] as a mechanism that provides information about process failures. Depending on the properties the...
The 2000 Usenix Technical Conference included a presentation outlining the state of the X rendering environment and the capabilities necessary to bring X into the modern world. Du...
The X Window System is the de facto standard graphical environment for Linux and Unix hosts, and is usable on nearly any class of computer one could find today. Its success is par...
: For the new parallel implementation of electronic structure methods in ACES III (Lotrich et al., in preparation) the present state-of-the-art algorithms for the evaluation of ele...