Sanitizable signature schemes allow a semi-trusted entity to modify some specific portions of a signed message while keeping a valid signature of the original off-line signer. In...
We provide a positive result about the Fiat-Shamir (FS) transform in the standard model, showing how to use it to convert threemove identification protocols into two-tier signatur...
We introduce the notion of sanitizable signatures that offer many attractive security features for certain current and emerging applications. A sanitizable signature allows author...
Giuseppe Ateniese, Daniel H. Chou, Breno de Medeir...
Multi-Designated Verifier Signatures (MDVS) are privacy-oriented signatures that can only be verified by a set of users specified by the signer. We propose two new generic constru...
We introduce a new computational problem related to the interpolation of group homomorphisms which generalizes many famous cryptographic problems including discrete logarithm, Di...