We propose a packet switched platform for single chip systems which scales well to an arbitrary number of processor like resources. The platform, which we call Network-on-Chip (NO...
Shashi Kumar, Axel Jantsch, Mikael Millberg, Johnn...
Service-oriented computing proposes services as building blocks which can be composed to complex systems. To reason about the correctness of a service, its communication protocol n...
Phoenix is a fault-tolerantreal-time network-attachedstorage device (NASD). Like other NASD architectures, Phoenix provides an object-based interface to data stored on network-att...
In the BlueView project, digital library services are developed and partially implemented based on the architecture of virtual document servers. Using standard tools like fulltext...
Andreas Heuer, Holger Meyer, Beate Porst, Patrick ...
A simple, fast, and approximate voxel-based approach to 6DOF haptic rendering is presented. It can reliably sustain a 1000 Hz haptic refresh rate without resorting to asynchronous...
William A. McNeely, Kevin D. Puterbaugh, James J. ...