ABSTRACT. Risks associated with change in technology standards and uncertainty over the sharing of costs and benefits among trading partners impede interorganizational information ...
Mining graph data is an increasingly popular challenge, which has practical applications in many areas, including molecular substructure discovery, web link analysis, fraud detect...
—Support Vector Machines are used to combine the outputs of multiple entity extractors, thus creating a composite entity extraction system. The composite system has a significant...
Deborah Duong, James Venuto, Ben Goertzel, Ryan Ri...
Organizing textual documents into a hierarchical taxonomy is a common practice in knowledge management. Beside textual features, the hierarchical structure of directories reflect...
Yi Huang, Kai Yu, Matthias Schubert, Shipeng Yu, V...
In an industry project with a German car manufacturer we are faced with the challenge of placing a maximum number of uniform rigid rectangular boxes in the interior of a car trunk...
Friedrich Eisenbrand, Stefan Funke, Andreas Karren...