Recent studies suggest that machine learning can be applied to develop good automatic evaluation metrics for machine translated sentences. This paper further analyzes aspects of l...
Recent work in the field of machine translation (MT) evaluation suggests that sentence level evaluation based on machine learning (ML) can outperform the standard metrics such as B...
Antoine Veillard, Elvina Melissa, Cassandra Theodo...
Many automatic evaluation metrics for machine translation (MT) rely on making comparisons to human translations, a resource that may not always be available. We present a method f...
We present a machine learning approach to evaluating the wellformedness of output of a machine translation system, using classifiers that learn to distinguish human reference tran...
Simon Corston-Oliver, Michael Gamon, Chris Brocket...
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have been applied to solve the classification of volatile organic compounds (VOC) data in some recent studies. SVMs provide good generalization perfo...