Abstract. Many applications of machine learning involve sparse highdimensional data, where the number of input features is (much) larger than the number of data samples, d n. Predi...
Knowledge-intensive CBR assumes that cases are enriched with general domain knowledge. In CREEK, there is a very strong coupling between cases and general domain knowledge, in that...
Graph grammars combine the relational aspect of graphs with the iterative and recursive aspects of string grammars, and thus represent an important next step in our ability to dis...
Jacek P. Kukluk, Lawrence B. Holder, Diane J. Cook
Data mining has become a well established discipline within the domain of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Knowledge Engineering (KE). It has its roots in machine learning and st...
Class-instance label propagation algorithms have been successfully used to fuse information from multiple sources in order to enrich a set of unlabeled instances with class labels...
Zornitsa Kozareva, Konstantin Voevodski, Shang-Hua...