Data parallel languages such as Vienna Fortran and HPF can be successfully applied to a wide range of numerical applications. However, many advanced scientic and engineering appl...
Barbara M. Chapman, Piyush Mehrotra, John Van Rose...
There is an emerging class of real-time interactive applications that require the dynamic integration of task and data parallelism. An example is the Smart Kiosk, a free-standing ...
James M. Rehg, Kathleen Knobe, Umakishore Ramachan...
In this paper, we describe our experience with developing Airshed, a large pollution modeling application, in the Fx programming environment. We demonstrate that high level parall...
Jaspal Subhlok, Peter Steenkiste, James M. Stichno...
Addressing the long term preservation issues associated with scientific data is a complex challenge compounded by: the scale and multidisciplinary nature of the problem; the wide ...
Immersive, interactive applications grouped under the concept of Immersipresence require on-line processing and mixing of multimedia data streams and structures. One critical issu...