We present a (the rst?) sound and relatively complete Hoare logic for a simple imperative programming language including mutually recursive procedures with call-by-value parameters...
Deduction modulo is a generic framework to describe proofs in a theory better than using raw axioms. This is done by presenting the theory through rules rewriting terms and proposi...
Abstract. Techniques such as verification condition generation, preditraction, and expressive type systems reduce software verification to proving formulas in expressive logics. Pr...
Viktor Kuncak, Ruzica Piskac, Philippe Suter, Thom...
The learning system Progol5 and the underlying inference method of Bottom Generalisation are firmly established within Inductive Logic Programming (ILP). But despite their success...
This paper describes a compositional shape analysis, where each procedure is analyzed independently of its callers. The analysis uses an abstract domain based on a restricted frag...
Cristiano Calcagno, Dino Distefano, Peter W. O'Hea...