We present a term recognition approach to extract acronyms and their definitions from a large text collection. Parenthetical expressions appearing in a text collection are identif...
This paper deals with the problem of recognizing and extracting acronymdefinition pairs in Swedish medical texts. This project applies a rule-based method to solve the acronym rec...
This paper deals with an acronym/definition extraction approach from textual data (corpora) and the disambiguation of these definitions (or expansions). Both steps of our global pr...
We present a novel and unique combination of algorithms to detect the gender of the leading vocalist in recorded popular music. Building on our previous successful approach that e...
Felix Weninger, Jean-Louis Durrieu, Florian Eyben,...
It is observed that a better approach to Web information understanding is to base on its document framework, which is mainly consisted of (i) the title and the URL name of the pag...