Abstract. We introduce LTAG-spinal, a novel variant of traditional Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) with desirable linguistic, computational and statistical properties. Un...
In this paper we propose a rule-based approach to extract dependency and grammatical relations from the Venice Italian Treebank (VIT) (Delmonte et al., 2007) with bracketed tree s...
Factorization is the operation of transforming a production in a Linear Context-Free Rewriting System (LCFRS) into two simpler productions by factoring out a subset of the nonterm...
Stochastic context-free grammars (SCFGs) have long been recognized as useful for a large variety of tasks including natural language processing, morphological parsing, speech reco...
Syntactic machine translation systems extract rules from bilingual, word-aligned, syntactically parsed text, but current systems for parsing and word alignment are at best cascade...