Attention to aspect oriented programming (AOP) is rapidly growing as its benefits in large software system development and maintenance are increasingly recognized. However, existin...
Abstract. Theorem provers, model checkers, static analyzers, test generators. . . all of these and many other kinds of formal methods tools can contribute to the analysis and devel...
Large scale / mega projects are lengthy complex endeavors that require significant planning by management, engineers and construction personnel to ensure the success of the projec...
The Use Case Map (UCM) scenario notation has some strong features related to rapid capture and evaluation of requirements models. In this paper, we explain how a UCM model was deve...
Dorin Bogdan Petriu, Daniel Amyot, C. Murray Woods...
Background: The availability of the human genome sequence as well as the large number of physically accessible oligonucleotides, cDNA, and BAC clones across the entire genome has ...