Code-patterns are statically recurring structure specific to a programming language. It can be parallel to aid in designing software systems for solving particular problems. Contr...
We summarize progress achieved on an interactive land use VRML application (ILUVA) with servlet assist. The purpose of this application is to enable one to take a virtual land are...
A software system is continuously changed so many times. When we try to change a software, we must understand how the software is implemented, especially about the functions to be...
Koji Taniguchi, Takashi Ishio, Toshihiro Kamiya, S...
Traditional real-time software development methodologies require full knowledge of the resource capability of target platforms during the development stage. However, such knowledg...
When dealing with dynamic, untrusted content, such as on the Web, software behavior must be sandboxed, typically through use of a language like JavaScript. However, even for such ...