Knowledge scouts are software agents that autonomously search for and synthesize user-oriented knowledge (target knowledge) in large local or distributed databases. A knowledge ge...
Good project scheduling is an essential, but extremely hard task in software management practice. In a software project, the time needed to complete some development activity is d...
This paper introduces a new kind of mosaic, called Jigsaw Image Mosaic (JIM), where image tiles of arbitrary shape are used to compose the final picture. The generation of a Jigsa...
Strange attractors of 3D vector field flows sometimes have a fractal geometric structure in one dimension, and smooth surface behavior in the other two. General flow visualization...
Nowadays, UML is considered to be the standardized language for object-oriented modeling and analysis. However, UML cannot be used for automatic analyses and simulation. In this pa...
Elhillali Kerkouche, Allaoua Chaoui, El Bay Bouren...