Many real-world data are maintained in relational format, with different tables storing information about entities and their links or relationships. The structure (schema) of the ...
Oliver Schulte, Hassan Khosravi, Flavia Moser, Mar...
Tasks in visual analytics differ from typical information retrieval tasks in fundamental ways. A critical part of a visual analytics is to ask the right questions when dealing wit...
Motivated by applications in architecture and manufacturing, we discuss the problem of covering a freeform surface by single curved panels. This leads to the new concept of semi-d...
Helmut Pottmann, Alexander Schiftner, Pengbo Bo, H...
SRI International's IraqComm system performs bidirectional speech-to-speech machine translation between English and Iraqi Arabic in the domains of force protection, municipal ...
Michael W. Frandsen, Susanne Riehemann, Kristin Pr...
The ongoing convergence between TV and the Internet leads traditional broadcast companies to publish their content on the Internet. Interactive digital TV platforms, which support...
Steven Van Assche, Filip Hendrickx, Nico Oorts, Lo...