Named entities (e.g., "Kofi Annan", "Coca-Cola", "Second World War") are ubiquitous in web pages and other types of document and often provide a simpl...
Felix Weigel, Klaus U. Schulz, Levin Brunner, Edua...
3D mesh models are now widely available for use in various applications. The demand for automatic model analysis and understanding is ever increasing. Mesh segmentation is an impo...
Yu-Kun Lai, Shi-Min Hu, Ralph R. Martin, Paul L. R...
—In this paper, we focus on the different aspects of real time visualization and animation of realistic virtual characters. The common goal for our research was to come up with s...
We introduce a computational framework for discovering regular or repeated geometric structures in 3D shapes. We describe and classify possible regular structures and present an e...
Mark Pauly, Niloy J. Mitra, Johannes Wallner, Helm...
Level set models combine a low-level volumetric representation, the mathematics of deformable implicit surfaces, and powerful, robust numerical techniques to produce a novel appro...
Ken Museth, David E. Breen, Ross T. Whitaker, Sean...