Today, clusters are very important computing resources and many computing centers manage their clusters in private networks. But parallel programs may not work in private clusters....
Insoon Jo, Hyuck Han, Heon Young Yeom, Ohkyoung Kw...
In the past, efficient parallel algorithms have always been developed specifically for the successive generations of parallel systems (vector machines, shared-memory machines, d...
The management of the underlying network infrastructure, which supports the grid communications, is not proceeded through the same management systems used for the grid management....
Ricardo Neisse, Evandro Della Vecchia Pereira, Lis...
Resource-intensive and complex medical imaging applications can benefit from the use of scientific workflow technology for their design, rapid implementation and reuse, but at the...
Ketan Maheshwari, Carole A. Goble, Paolo Missier, ...
Abstract. SymGrid-Par is a new framework for executing large computer algebra problems on computational Grids. We present the design of SymGrid-Par, which supports multiple compute...
Abdallah Al Zain, Kevin Hammond, Philip W. Trinder...