The Euclidean distance transform of a binary image is the function that assigns to every pixel the Euclidean distance to the background. The Euclidean feature transform is the fun...
We consider the problem of computing the Euclidean projection of a vector of length n onto a closed convex set including the 1 ball and the specialized polyhedra employed in (Shal...
We consider simple digital curves in a 3D orthogonal grid as special polyhedrally bounded sets. These digital curves model digitized curves or arcs in three-dimensional euclidean ...
The earth mover's distance (EMD) [16] is an important perceptually meaningful metric for comparing histograms, but it suffers from high (O(N3 log N)) computational complexity...
Matching local features across images is often useful when comparing or recognizing objects or scenes, and efficient techniques for obtaining image-to-image correspondences have b...