In web search, recency ranking refers to ranking documents by relevance which takes freshness into account. In this paper, we propose a retrieval system which automatically detect...
Anlei Dong, Yi Chang, Zhaohui Zheng, Gilad Mishne,...
The `SemanticLIFE' system is designed to store, manage and retrieve ones lifetime's information entities. It enables the acquisition and storage of data while giving ann...
Mansoor Ahmed, Hanh Huu Hoang, Muhammad Shuaib Kar...
In large scale online systems like Search, eCommerce, or social network applications, user queries represent an important dimension of activities that can be used to study the imp...
Most digital libraries (DLs) necessarily focus on the complex issues that arise when library collections are freed from their physical anchors in buildings and on paper. Typical i...
Interviews with stakeholders can be a useful method for identifying user needs and establishing requirements. However, interviews are also problematic. They are time consuming and...