We present a study of the web based user navigation patterns mining and propose a novel approach for clustering of user navigation patterns. The approach is based on the graph par...
Mehrdad Jalali, Norwati Mustapha, Ali Mamat, Nasir...
This paper describes a new bipartite formulation for word-document co-clustering such that hyperclique patterns, strongly affiliated documents in this case, are guaranteed not to ...
Tianming Hu, Chao Qu, Chew Lim Tan, Sam Yuan Sung,...
This paper proposes a two-step graph partitioning method to discover constrained clusters with an objective function that follows the well-known minmax clustering principle. Compar...
Existing graph mining algorithms typically assume that the dataset can fit into main memory. As many large graph datasets cannot satisfy this condition, truly scalable graph minin...
We introduce an EDIF netlist graph algorithm which is lossy with respect to the original byte stream but lossless in terms of the circuit information it contains based on a graph ...