In this paper an approach for combining a focus+context visual data mining method with zoomable interfaces is shown. Therefore a zoomable interface for analysing structurable imag...
Prior research attempts to formalize the structure of object-oriented design patterns for a more precise specification of design patterns. It also allows automation support to be ...
This paper addresses the issues related to improving the overall quality of the requirements tracing process for Independent Verification and Validation analysts. The contribution...
Jane Huffman Hayes, Alex Dekhtyar, Senthil Karthik...
UML is a modeling language that most developers employed during design phase. UML provides various types of diagrams used for specifying both the structure and the behavior of sys...
The Integration of complex systems out of existing systems is an active area of research and development. There are many practical situations in which the interfaces of the compon...
Cliff B. Jones, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Ian Welch