We analyze the structure of random graphs generated by the geographical threshold model. The model is a generalization of random geometric graphs. Nodes are distributed in space, a...
ABSTRACT. Upon the discovery of power laws [8, 16, 30], a large body of work in complex network analysis has focused on developing generative models of graphs which mimick real-wor...
PageRank computes the importance of each node in a directed graph under a random surfer model governed by a teleportation parameter. Commonly denoted alpha, this parameter models ...
David F. Gleich, Paul G. Constantine, Abraham D. F...
We present a randomized EREW PRAM algorithm to nd a minimum spanning forest in a weighted undirected graph. On an n-vertex graph the algorithm runs in o((logn)1+ ) expected time f...
: In the paper we study parallel key exchange among multiple parties. The status of parallel key exchange can be depicted by a key graph. In a key graph, a vertex represents a part...