The Internet has made transfer of knowledge of successful community development programs and processes possible by allowing practitioners to connect through computer-mediated-comm...
Queen Esther Booker, Ana V. Lopez, Michael McQuaid...
Despite recent advances in natural language question answering technology, the problem of designing effective user interfaces has been largely unexplored. We conducted a user stud...
Jimmy J. Lin, Dennis Quan, Vineet Sinha, Karun Bak...
The objective of the Answer Validation Exercise (AVE) 2007 is to develop systems able to decide if the answer to a question is correct or not. Since it is expected that a high per...
We examine the problem of retrieving the top-m ranked items from a large collection, randomly distributed across an n-node system. In order to retrieve the top m overall, we must ...
This paper discusses an information extraction (IE) system, Textract, in natural language (NL) question answering (QA) and examines the role of IE in QA application. It shows: (i)...