Abstract. This paper presents an information system for legal professionals that integrates natural language processing technologies such as text classification and summarization. ...
Abstract. The Semantic Web Service Challenge is one of the major initiative dedicated to work on Semantic Web Service (SWS) discovery and selection. It represents an effective mann...
Alessio Carenini, Dario Cerizza, Marco Comerio, Em...
Abstract. One of the goals of augmented cognition is creation of adaptive human-machine collaboration that continually optimizes performance of the human-machine system. Augmented ...
Tjerk de Greef, Kees van Dongen, Marc Grootjen, Ja...
Abstract. Processes of capturing solid geometry features as threedimensional data for analysis, simulation, or reverse engineering require the use of laser-based reverse engineerin...
Neil Littell, Kari Babski-Reeves, Gary McFadyen, J...
Abstract This paper reports our evaluation of the accuracy of capturing a user’s intent in an informationseeking task. Specifically, we would like to assess how accurately a use...