Abstract. This chapter presents principles and techniques for model-based blackbox conformance testing of real-time systems using the UPPAAL model-checking tool-suite. The basis fo...
Anders Hessel, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Marius Mikuc...
Lock-free data objects offer several advantages over their blocking counterparts, such as being immune to deadlocks and convoying and, more importantly, being highly concurrent. H...
This paper presents a technique that is capable of supporting two major requirements for concurrency control in real-time databases: data temporal consistency, and data logical co...
Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) is widely used to represent, create, and display virtual reality objects and their environment. Some VRML applications require concurrent ...
We present SpiCO, a new modeling and simulation language for systems biology. SpiCO is based on the stochastic π-calculus. It supports higher level modeling via multi-profile con...