d Set Abstraction using SAT Edd Barrett Andy King School of Computing, University of Kent, CT2 7NF, UK Symbolic decision trees are not the only way to correlate the relationship b...
lative Novelty to Identify Useful Temporal Abstractions in Reinforcement Learning ?Ozg?ur S?im?sek ozgur@cs.umass.edu Andrew G. Barto barto@cs.umass.edu Department of Computer Scie...
e Abstractions for Parameterized Systems JOXAN JAFFAR and ANDREW E. SANTOSA Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore Singapore 117590 {joxan,andrews}comp.nu...
on Theory: Extended Abstract Natalie Fridman and Gal Kaminka Bar Ilan University, Israel The MAVERICK Group Computer Science Department {fridman,galk}cs.biu.ac.il Abstract. Modelin...
ncy Abstractions on x86-TSO Scott Owens University of Cambridge Abstract. With the rise of multi-core processors, shared-memory concurrency has become a widespread feature of compu...