As environments become smart in accordance with advances in ubiquitous computing technology, researchers are struggling to satisfy users' diverse and sophisticated demands. Th...
Jin Choi, Yong-il Cho, Kyusung Cho, Su-jung Bae, H...
Collaborative virtual environment has been limited on static or rigid 3D models, due to the difficulties of real-time streaming of large amounts of data that is required to descri...
Ziying Tang, Guodong Rong, Xiaohu Guo, B. Prabhaka...
Grid computing supports workload execution on computing resources that are shared across a set of collaborative organizations. At the core of workload management for Grid computin...
Simple resource specification, resource selection, and effective binding are critical capabilities for Grid middleware. We the Virtual Grid, an abstraction for dynamic grid applic...
Yang-Suk Kee, D. Logothetis, Richard Y. Huang, Hen...
Computational grids can integrate geographically distributed resources into a seamless environment. To facilitate managing these heterogenous resources, the virtual machine gy pro...