We present novel techniques for efficient controller synthesis for untimed and timed systems with respect to invariance and reachability properties. In the untimed case, we give al...
This paper studies the problem of model-based testing of real-time systems that are only partially observable. We model the System Under Test (SUT) using Timed Game Automata (TGA)...
Alexandre David, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Shuhao Li,...
—This work presents chemical communication techniques for nanorobots foraging in fluid environments relevant for medical applications. Unlike larger robots, viscous forces and ra...
Adriano Cavalcanti, Tad Hogg, Bijan Shirinzadeh, H...
Abstract. We apply Uppaal Tiga to automatically compute adaptive scheduling strategies for an industrial case study dealing with a state-of-the-art image processing pipeline of a p...
Israa AlAttili, Fred Houben, Georgeta Igna, Steffe...
Abstract. This paper shows how multiagent systems can be modeled by a combination of UML statecharts and hybrid automata. This allows formal system cation on different levels of ab...
Ulrich Furbach, Jan Murray, Falk Schmidsberger, Fr...