Abstract. The paper describes how interpretations of multimedia documents can be formally derived using abduction over domain knowledge represented in an ontology. The approach use...
Irma Sofia Espinosa Peraldi, Atila Kaya, Ralf M&ou...
Abstract. The deployment of KR formalisms to the Web has created the need for formalisms that combine heterogeneous knowledge bases. Nonmonotonic dl-programs provide a loose integr...
We present cq-programs, which enhance nonmonotonic description logics (dl-) programs by conjunctive queries (CQ) and union of conjunctive queries (UCQ) over Description Logics kno...
Thomas Eiter, Giovambattista Ianni, Thomas Krennwa...
This paper presents an approach to answering queries over an ontology modelled using a description logic. The ontology acts as a global schema, providing a declarative description...
Martin Peim, Enrico Franconi, Norman W. Paton, Car...