A long-standing challenge in interactive entertainment is the creation of story-based games with dynamically responsive story-lines. Such games are populated by multiple objects a...
Mark J. Nelson, David L. Roberts, Charles Lee Isbe...
Following last two years' RAM-SE (Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution) workshop at the ECOOP conference, the RAM-SE 2006 workshop was a successful and popular...
Walter Cazzola, Shigeru Chiba, Yvonne Coady, Gunte...
Many distributed systems manage some form of long-lived data, such as files or data bases. The performance and fault-tolerance of such systems may be enhanced if the repositories ...
Multiobjective optimization in general aims at learning about the problem at hand. Usually the focus lies on objective space properties such as the front shape and the distributio...
Interactive Storytelling techniques are attracting much interest for their potential to develop new game genres but also as another form of procedural content generation, specific...
David Pizzi, Marc Cavazza, Alex Whittaker, Jean-Lu...