Abstract—We propose a novel collaborative caching framework to support spatial query processing in Mobile Peer-toPeer Networks (MP2PNs). To maximize cache sharing among clients, ...
Scientists and engineers are making increasingly use of hp-adaptive discretization methods to compute simulations. While techniques for isocontouring the high-order data generated...
Christian Azambuja Pagot, Joachim E. Vollrath, Fil...
A popular solution to internet performance problems is the widespread caching of data. Many caching algorithms have been proposed in the literature, most attempting to optimize fo...
Ganesh Santhanakrishnan, Ahmed Amer, Panos K. Chry...
We present a novel approach to controlling a virtual 3D camera with a 2D mouse or stylus input device that is based on gestural interaction. Our approach to 3D camera manipulation...
Our purpose is to provide an augmented reality system for Radio-Frequency guidance that could superimpose a 3D model of the liver, its vessels and tumors (reconstructed from CT ima...