As environments become smart in accordance with advances in ubiquitous computing technology, researchers are struggling to satisfy users' diverse and sophisticated demands. Th...
Jin Choi, Yong-il Cho, Kyusung Cho, Su-jung Bae, H...
—Physical (PHY) layer cooperation in a wireless network allows neighboring nodes to share their communication resources in order to create a virtual antenna array by means of dis...
Francesco Verde, Thanasis Korakis, Elza Erkip, Ann...
—Opportunistic beamforming (OB) relies on the transmission of Channel State Information (CSI) in the form of instantaneous Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) from Mobile Stations (MSs) ...
Background: Sequence alignment is a common tool in bioinformatics and comparative genomics. It is generally assumed that multiple sequence alignment yields better results than pai...
Background: A multiple sequence alignment (MSA) generated for a protein can be used to characterise residues by means of a statistical analysis of single columns. In addition to t...