Abstract—Mobile wireless network research focuses on scenarios at the extremes of the network connectivity continuum where the probability of all nodes being connected is either ...
Simon Heimlicher, Merkourios Karaliopoulos, Hanoch...
—Quality of Service (QoS) is becoming increasingly important with the rise of multimedia applications (e.g., voice over IP (VoIP), video conferencing, online gaming, and Internet...
Jarmo Prokkola, Mikko Hanski, Marko Jurvansuu, Mil...
— Ultra wide band (UWB) ad-hoc networks have attracted much research attention in recent years. This paper proposes and investigates a new distributed cooperative routing strateg...
In this paper the behavior of the upcoming MAC protocol for wireless LANs IEEE 802.11e is investigated. Based on the results, we propose an enhancement for Hybrid Coordination Fun...
Balasubramanian Appiah Venkatakrishnan, S. Selvake...
We describe the Paraflow system for connecting heterogeneous computing services together into a flexible and efficient data-mining metacomputer. There are three levels of parallel...