We describe a new algorithm for the visualisation of implicit algebraic curves, which isolates the singular points, compute the topological degree around these points in order to ...
We discuss a parallel algorithm for the solution of large-scale generalized algebraic Riccati equations with dimension up to O(105 ). We survey the numerical algorithms underlying ...
Abstract. Given an algebraic geometry code CL(D, P), the GuruswamiSudan algorithm produces a list of all codewords in CL(D, P) within a specified distance of a received word. The i...
: We present a maple-package SyNRAC for solving real algebraic constraints aiming to realize a robust parametric control toolbox on MATLAB. Our main tool is real quantifier elimin...
Abstract. Van Glabbeek (1990) presented the linear time/branching time spectrum of behavioral equivalences for finitely branching, concrete, sequential processes. He studied these...