We are interested in semantical underpinnings for existing approaches to preference handling in extended logic programming (within the framework of answer set programming). As a s...
Type-based reasoning is popular in functional programming. In particular, parametric polymorphism constrains functions in such a way that statements about their behavior can be de...
Jan Christiansen, Daniel Seidel, Janis Voigtlä...
Garbage collection relieves the programmer of the burden of managing dynamically allocated memory, by providing an automatic way to reclaim unneeded storage. This eliminates or les...
Assigning semantics to logic programs via selector generated models (Schwarz 2002/2003) extends several semantics, like the stable, the inflationary, and the stable generated sema...
In Prz91], Przymusinski introduced the partial (or 3-valued) stable model semantics which extends the (2-valued) stable model semantics dened originally by Gelfond and Lifschitz G...