— As the popularity of resource-constrained devices such as hand-held computers increases, a new network service offloading complex processing tasks towards computational resour...
Tim Stevens, Marc De Leenheer, Filip De Turck, Bar...
Despite the significant body of results in real-time scheduling, many real world problems are not easily supported. While algorithms such as Earliest Deadline First, Rate Monotoni...
Jack A. Stankovic, Chenyang Lu, Sang Hyuk Son, Gan...
In this paper we present a mathematical programming formulation of the integer time budgeting problem for directed acyclic graphs. In particular, we formally prove that our constr...
Wei Jiang, Zhiru Zhang, Miodrag Potkonjak, Jason C...
Abstract. One of the first motivations of using grids comes from applications managing large data sets like for example in High Energy Physic or Life Sciences. To improve the glob...
Frederic Desprez, Antoine Vernois, Christophe Blan...
We present PLIANT, a learning system that supports adaptive assistance in an open calendaring system. PLIANT learns user preferences from the feedback that naturally occurs during...
Melinda T. Gervasio, Michael D. Moffitt, Martha E....