For two consecutive frames in a video, we identify which pixels in the first frame become occluded in the second. Such general-purpose detection of occlusion regions is difficul...
Data Mining with Bayesian Network learning has two important characteristics: under broad conditions learned edges between variables correspond to causal influences, and second, f...
Ioannis Tsamardinos, Constantin F. Aliferis, Alexa...
Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) has become one of the most active research areas in computer science. Relevance feedback is often used in CBIR systems to bridge the semantic ...
Lijun Zhang, Chun Chen, Wei Chen, Jiajun Bu, Deng ...
We describe a statistical approach to software debugging in the presence of multiple bugs. Due to sparse sampling issues and complex interaction between program predicates, many g...
Alice X. Zheng, Michael I. Jordan, Ben Liblit, May...
We derive algorithms for finding a nonnegative n-dimensional tensor factorization (n-NTF) which includes the non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) as a particular case when n = ...