In the longest common subsequence problem the task is to find the longest sequence of letters that can be found as subsequence in all members of a given finite set of sequences....
Recent work (Yedidia, Freeman, Weiss [22]) has shown that stable points of belief propagation (BP) algorithms [12] for graphs with loops correspond to extrema of the Bethe free ene...
We propose a new set of criteria for learning algorithms in multi-agent systems, one that is more stringent and (we argue) better justified than previous proposed criteria. Our cr...
Abstract. Due to the lot of different Genetic Algorithm variants, encodings, and attacked problems, very little general theory is available to explain the internal functioning of ...
Given two admission control algorithms that are cA-acceptcompetitive and cR-reject-competitive respectively, we give two ways to make an algorithm that is simultaneously O(cA)acce...