: Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have become an increasingly popular tool for machine learning tasks involving classi cation, regression or novelty detection. They exhibit good gen...
—A fast online algorithm OnlineSVMR for training Ramp-Loss Support Vector Machines (SVMR s) is proposed. It finds the optimal SVMR for t+1 training examples using SVMR built on t...
This paper develops algorithms to train linear support vector machines (SVMs) when training data are distributed across different nodes and their communication to a centralized no...
Pedro A. Forero, Alfonso Cano, Georgios B. Giannak...
This paper develops algorithms to train support vector machines when training data are distributed across different nodes, and their communication to a centralized processing unit...
Pedro A. Forero, Alfonso Cano, Georgios B. Giannak...
Abstract. Support Vector Machines (SVM) have been applied successfully in a wide variety of fields in the last decade. The SVM problem is formulated as a convex objective function...