The complexity of many problems necessitates creating and exploring multiple, alternative solutions. However, current user interfaces do not cleanly support creating alternatives ...
Michael A. Terry, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Kumiyo Naka...
We propose, analyze and test an alternating minimization algorithm for recovering images from blurry and noisy observations with total variation (TV) regularization. This algorith...
While it is well-known that model can enhance the control performance in terms of precision or energy efficiency, the practical application has often been limited by the complexiti...
Duy Nguyen-Tuong, Jan Peters, Matthias Seeger, Ber...
— Achieving high performance for out-of-core applications typically involves explicit management of the movement of data between the disk and the physical memory. We are developi...
Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Juan Piernas, Vinod Tippara...
Over the last decade, a number of methods for geometric matching based on a branch-and-bound approach have been proposed. Such algorithms work by recursively subdividing transforma...