Survivability is the ability of a system to continue operating despite the presence of abnormal events such as failures and intrusions. Ensuring system survivability has increased...
Approximate arithmetic is a promising, new approach to lowenergy designs while tackling reliability issues. We present a method to optimally distribute a given energy budget among...
Zvi M. Kedem, Vincent John Mooney, Kirthi Krishna ...
Bugs in kernel-level device drivers cause 85% of the system crashes in the Windows XP operating system [44]. One of the sources of these errors is the complexity of the Windows dr...
Thomas Ball, Ella Bounimova, Byron Cook, Vladimir ...
Maintaining integrity, consistency, and enforcing conformance in architectures of large-scale systems requires specification and enforcement of many different forms of structural...
A typical approach to software maintenance is analyzing just the source code, applying some patches, releasing the new version, and then updating the documentation. This quick-fix...