An experiment comparing the effectiveness of equivalence partitioning (EP), boundary value analysis (BVA), and random testing was performed, based on an operational avionics syste...
This paper introduces a new method for generating test data that combines the benefits of equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis and cause-effect analysis. It is suitab...
Partition testing is a well-known software testing technique. This paper shows that partition testing strategies are relatively ineffective in detecting faults related to small sh...
Domain testing is a stratified sampling strategy for choosing a few test cases from the near infinity of candidate test cases. The strategy goes under several names, such as equiv...
Random Noise and Random Walk algorithms are local search strategies that have been used for the problem of satisfiability testing (SAT). We present a Markov-chain based analysis o...
Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Xi Xie, Bart Selman, Steph...