Skeletal animation is a concept that has been used in the areas of motion pictures and computer games to create realistic motion for the animation of articulated characters. Recen...
Short Message Service is usually used to transport unclassified information, but with the rise of mobile commerce it has become an integral tool for conducting business. However S...
Johnny Li-Chang Lo, Judith Bishop, Jan H. P. Eloff
Partial differential equations (PDEs) are used to model physical phenomena and then appropriate convergent numerical algorithms are employed to solve them and create computer simu...
Darrin M. Hanna, Anna M. Spagnuolo, Michael DuChen...
The applicability of aspects as a means of implementing runtime contract checking has been demonstrated in prior work, where contracts are identified as cross-cutting concerns [1...
levels of abstraction. Lacking well-established technologies and models for representing and accessing program dynamics, tools must use ad-hoc mechanisms. This limits reuse and int...