Exponential growth in the number of on-chip transistors, coupled with reductions in voltage levels, makes each generation of microprocessors increasingly vulnerable to transient f...
Shubhendu S. Mukherjee, Michael Kontz, Steven K. R...
Volumetric displays, which display imagery in true 3D space, are a promising platform for the display and manipulation of 3D data. To fully leverage their capabilities, appropriat...
Due to the widely spread mobile devices over the years, a low cost implementation of an efficient head tracking system is becoming more useful for a wide range of applications. In...
When camera phones are used as magic lenses in handheld augmented reality applications involving wall maps or posters, pointing can be divided into two phases: (1) an initial coar...
One goal of medical device certification is to show that a given medical device satisfies its requirements. The requirements that should be met by a device, however, depend on the...
Heather M. Conboy, George S. Avrunin, Lori A. Clar...