Rotation Forest is a recently proposed method for building classifier ensembles using independently trained decision trees. It was found to be more accurate than bagging, AdaBoost...
A new method for ensemble generation is presented. It is based on grouping the attributes in dierent subgroups, and to apply, for each group, an axis rotation, using Principal Com...
In the Pattern Recognition field, growing interest has been shown in recent years for Multiple Classifier Systems and particularly for Bagging, Boosting and Random Subspaces. Th...
In response to the rapid development of DNA Microarray technology, many classification methods have been used for Microarray classification. SVMs, decision trees, Bagging, Boostin...
Hong Hu, Jiuyong Li, Ashley W. Plank, Hua Wang, Gr...
— Both theory and a wealth of empirical studies have established that ensembles are more accurate than single predictive models. Unfortunately, the problem of how to maximize ens...