Scripting languages enjoy great popularity due their support for rapid and exploratory development. They typically have lightweight syntax, weak data privacy, dynamic typing, powe...
Bard Bloom, John Field, Nathaniel Nystrom, Johan &...
In this article, we experiment a way to extend an Ada library called Cheddar. Cheddar provides a domain specific language. Programs written with this domain specific language can...
The Meta-Object Facility (MOF) provides a standardised framework for object-oriented models. An instance of a MOF model contains objects and links whose interfaces are entirely de...
The client-server model has been successfully used to support a wide variety of families of services in the context of distributed systems. However, its server-centric nature make...
nt an abstract instruction set for a constraint solver over finite domains, which can be smoothly integrated in the WAM architecture. It is based on the use of a single primitive...