An architecture for shape recognition is presented, with emphasis on low-latency and power efficiency. This architecture is an extension of an existing architecture used for moti...
Jason Schlessman, Sankalita Saha, Wayne Wolf, Shuv...
This paper presents an efficient VLSI architecture design of MPEG-4 shape coding, which is the key technology for supporting the content-based functionality of the MPEG-4 Video sta...
We propose a method of knowledge reuse for an ensemble of genetic programming-based learners solving a visual learning task. First, we introduce a visual learning method that uses...
Wojciech Jaskowski, Krzysztof Krawiec, Bartosz Wie...
In this paper, we present a new method for tracking objects with shadows. Traditional motion-based tracking schemes cannot usually distinguish the shadow from the object itself, a...
Abstract. We propose a variational framework for the integration multiple competing shape priors into level set based segmentation schemes. By optimizing an appropriate cost functi...
Daniel Cremers, Nir A. Sochen, Christoph Schnö...